contact (+91) 9825026762 | contact (+91) 9328026767 | contact (+91) 9377637951


History & Achievements

Journey started

  • Established in 1996 by Mr. Nilesh Patel
  • Enhanced production capacity by increasing infrastructure
  • Rapid growth in turnover

Foundational Years

  • Establishments of Modern Productions Plants of Toroidal Cores at Por ( Dist. Vadodara )
  • Installed Up to Date slitting machines to slit the coils
  • The Company has built up international image thro’ procurement and selling
  • The Company has set benchmarks in the quality, delivery & prompt service


  • Achieved a major break-through in mass production of core & Lamination
  • A 60000 sq. ft. giant production plant on three acres land constructed and commissioned in about six month’s time at Por ( Dist. Vadodara )
  • Fully automatic / semi automatic & manual manufacturing systems installed at Por-Unit-II
  • Labour strength increase from 150 to 350 numbers working in two shifts
  • Import of raw materials touched up to 1500 MT per month
  • Achieves an ISO 9001:2008 Quality Certification for its production plant at Por

Journey of Progress...

  • Installed Automatic cut to length M/C (SDRI-China) for Precise cutting with auto stacking facility
  • Width

    100 - 920 mm
    40 - 440 mm
    60 - 640 mm
    40 - 300mm
    30 - 250mm


    500 - 5000 mm
    270 - 2500 mm
    400 - 3500 mm
    350 - 2500mm
    250 - 2000mm

  • Installed slitting M/C (SDRI - China) for accurate slitting width upto 1200mm.
  • Epoxy Flooring on the shopfloor additional
  • Installation of additional 4 Nos. E.O.T Cranes - capacity - 5 MT each & 2 Nos. JIB cranes.