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What our Chairman say’s

A fairly tale story of Indian electrical industry continues to amaze the world and so does our diversity, integrity and loyalty. With all the opportunities that lie ahead for electrical industries, there still remains a significant skill gap to meet the requirements.

At NJ Group, We are committed to bridge this opportunity and provide consistent quality and adequate quantity, produced by skilled & professionally trained workforce. As an upcoming leader, NJ group has an advantage of leveraging its one and half decade legacy of industrial expertise, its diverse reservoir of technical is insights and its in-house skilled resource pool of talent with own technology. NJ Group groom young minds with path breaking knowledge-ware and thereby helping them gain a firm foothold in their chosen sphere and have a flourishing and promising career.

It has been our experience with sharper focuses on products & related activities help us to achieve greater success.

We have a vision to make India one of the most powerful electrical equipment producing country in the globe.

Having been felicitated with prestigious national awards, the ISO certification is another feather in our cap. With our dedicated team, We shall continue to perform and enrich our contribution to the society.

Look forward to see the NJ Group at the new horizon of industry.

Lets move ahead with PRIDE, PASSION and PERFORMANCE.